This listing is for a charming handcrafted complete set of eight Little House on the Prairie porcelain dolls inspired by the classic series of children's books based on the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Each character doll was designed by artist Joan Ibarolle, and produced under the hallmark of the Ashton-Drake Galleries. The condition of each doll is excellent and they're in their original boxes. Each descriptive leaflet gives a description of the doll collection, a story about the individual doll and information about the artist.
Included in this set of eight dolls you'll receive: 1. "Pa Ingalls" with his COA, tiny folded Ashton-Drake card and boxed violin. "Ma Ingalls" with her COA, leaflets and cherry pie. "Mary" with her COA, leaflet and the apples in her apron.
"Laura" with her COA, leaflets and school book. "Carrie" with her COA and a green striped peppermint stick in her hand. "Baby Grace" with her COA, leaflets, tiny folded Ashton-Drake card and little bouquet of flowers. "Almanzo" with his COA, leaflet and wood handled pitch fork. "Nellie" with her COA, leaflets and doll.